Quadient CCM Case Study

Modernizing Document Management for Health Insurance Company

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Case Study: Modernizing Document Management for Health Insurance – Quadient CCM

case study - modernizing document management

Macrosoft was tasked with modernizing and centralizing a leading Health Insurance customer communication management system.

The primary objective was to replace outdated MS Word letter solutions that were no longer adequate for the organization’s evolving business needs. The project aimed to streamline the creation, management, and distribution of a wide range of insurance-related documents through a unified system.

Some high-level ‘facts and figures’ of the project are the following:

  • Style Creation: Imported the sample PDF into the designer tool to identify and analyze text styles and other formatting elements.
  • Created style master with the gathered info
  • Base Template Creation: Developed a minimal number of Business Templates (BTs) to cover the various Lines of Business (LOBs) and their associated letters.
  • PDF Accessibility: This involves adding information to the PDF tab properties and configuring the PDF engine to ensure accessibility.
  • Template Categories: There are two types of templates: primary and secondary. While Express provides primary templates, secondary templates must be created from scratch as they are unavailable from Express.
  • Metadata and Categorization: We incorporated metadata and categorization into all Lines of Business templates (LOBs).
  • We designed a script to update Base template references for all objects within a specified folder. It involved replacing the Business Templates reference of all objects with the new Business Templates we created for blocks, snippets, and templates. The parameters required for this process include:
  1. Folder path
  2. Current Business Templates
  3. New Business Templates to replace the current one.
  4. The workflow Definition (WFD) is reviewed after these changes are applied to ensure the modifications are correctly implemented.
  • Dependency Identification: We developed a script to identify blocks and snippets without dependencies.
  • Adding Enclosures: To include enclosures such as PDF documents and images, we created a Business Template (BT) and then developed a template. Once this was complete, we appended the secondary template to the primary one.

Download Macrosoft's Quadient CCM Case Study to learn how a Health Insurance Company modernized their Document Management System.