Mine Weather

Weather Forecast Verification System

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Mine-Weather: Weather Forecast Verification System weather_verification_system

Macrosoft has introduced the Mine-Weather (M-W) 2.0 weather verification application. It is our new high-security cloud-based analytical database and visualization system deployed on Microsoft Azure. M-W 2.0 allows users to access data and information directly via a web connection. In this release, we have incorporated new advanced features and many scoring algorithms for users to determine which forecast is best for their needs and under which circumstances. M-W 2.0 provides various chart options for tracking reports with the ability to filter/drill down on different parameters.

Mine-Weather application summarizes a large amount of weather forecast and observational data by converting it into a suitable format for analysis. It leverages a powerful combination of automated data extraction, transformation and loading processes that eliminates a lot of issues related to data transformation. M-W uses a number of scoring models based on statistical methods to verify relevant weather attributes in the form of scores. Scores show a possible correlation between forecast and observed values and the accuracy of these values in real-time.

Mine-Weather 2.0 is a full-fledged functional version of the M-W system which is currently available for general release. We intend to have 3 separate releases called 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 later this year, which will be automatically updated to the Mine-Weather system. We have built a roadmap which will incorporate major new functionality of the Mine-Weather system during the rest of this year and next.

  • See what Mine-Weather forecast verification system is all about
  • Know more about the advanced capabilities Mine-Weather 2.0 offers
  • Examine the different type of reporting and filter options available
  • Find out more on the analytical calculations using scoring algorithms
Download this presentation on Weather Forecast Verification System for analysis.